Perform at The Butterfly Club

We present north of 1200 performances of 200 productions every year, many of them new works. Our model is to present short seasons (six performances or fewer) of shows that suit an intimate environment, in one of two dedicated performance spaces that seat 76 and 48 patrons each. We also occasionally stage longer runs, during peak times such as the Melbourne International Comedy Festival.

Instead of charging a fixed hire fee or a minimum guarantee, we underwrite the cost of the venue and charge a fee on tickets sold. If your season doesn't sell any tickets, you won't owe us a cent for the space.

The format

Our shows involve a single performer or small cast, go for 50-60 minutes, have no interval, and rely on clever writing and confident delivery to convey the artist's message. The content of every show is entirely at your discretion, and we make no secret of having a soft spot for cabaret performances that satirise or reflect on contemporary life.

Get in touch

To apply for a season at The Butterfly Club, write down as many of the items below as you can. Don't panic if you don't have all of it - even if you don't have most of it - send us what you do have and we'll get started. Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk.

Your details

Tell us about you, your cast, etc etc.

Social links

Social media links related to you, the show, or the cast.

The Show

This is not a marketing pitch: it's a plain and simple description of what the show contains.

Season dates and festivals

If you have no preference, leave these blank.

If you want to be part of a festival or a curated season, say it here. If there are no options available in the box, it's because we are not taking festival applications right this second.

Review quotes

If you have any great quotes from reviews of your past work, let us know here.

Review quote
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We know that it's difficult to forecast financials, but we also know that producers who put thought into budgeting tend to have a much better time than producers who don't.

Ballpark figures are perfectly ok, any jokes here will not make you look good. If you don't know, leave it blank.

$ .00
$ .00


If you have any videos (YouTube, Vimeo, etc) link them here.

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