The Cadaver Palaver

Mon 17 to Sat 22 March

The Cadaver Palaver

Bennett Cooper Sullivan, gentleman adventurer and rakish raconteur, has reluctantly returned to so-called civilization to share his latest thrilling tale!

Cheating death countless times, and damn-near losing a cufflink in the process, he glides from gilded bon-mots, to the blood-and-thunder reenactment of, quite frankly, unbelievable events. Mouths will gape. Hearts will flutter. Monocles will plummet into brandy snifters – guaranteed.

Combining the very best elements of a Sherlock Holmes novel, an Oscar Wilde soirée, and the best night between the sheets you’ve ever had, The Cadaver Palaver is a ripping yarn, sumptuously told by a master storyteller.

An artfully-embellished one-man show of derring-do (and don’ts), from the overactive imagination of C.S. Carroll.


Monday 17 March 2025 7:00pm
Tuesday 18 March 2025 7:00pm
Wednesday 19 March 2025 7:00pm
Thursday 20 March 2025 7:00pm
Friday 21 March 2025 7:00pm
Saturday 22 March 2025 7:00pm


Full $39
Concession $35
Groups (6+) $31
Members $31
Early Bird (until 2 Feb) $29


Arrive Early

At least 30 minutes before the show. Our performances start bang on time and it takes a hot second to welcome you into the building.

Under 18s

The Butterfly Club is a licensed venue. Under 18s can only attend if accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.