Jack the Ripper

Mon 25 to Sat 30 November at 8:30pm

Jack the Ripper

A gentleman discovers his wife's infidelity against the backdrop of the Ripper murders.
He becomes obsessed with the love he still feels for his adulterous wife, as his obsession with the Jack the Ripper murders begins to take hold of his mind as he searches for answers.

He begins to question his own reality with his habit of drug taking clouding his thoughts.

Perhaps he is the Ripper after all.


Monday 25 November 2024 8:30pm
Tuesday 26 November 2024 8:30pm
Wednesday 27 November 2024 8:30pm
Thursday 28 November 2024 8:30pm
Friday 29 November 2024 8:30pm
Saturday 30 November 2024 8:30pm


Full $39
Concession $35
Groups (6+) $31
Members $31
Early Bird $29
Broke Butterfly $15


Arrive Early

At least 30 minutes before the show. Our performances start bang on time and it takes a hot second to welcome you into the building.

Under 18s

The Butterfly Club is a licensed venue. Under 18s can only attend if accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.