Turning 25

Mon 24 Feb to Sat 1 Mar at 8:30pm

Turning 25

Turning 25 is an absurd play about modern women who discuss important things, such as: Do you believe in God? Do you think humanity is ultimately evil? Do you think you can separate the art from the artist? Do you think your friend's new boyfriend is ugly? Have you been here before? Does it even matter?

Witness Unnamed Woman and John's Wife discuss, gossip and complain about nothing and everything. Maybe underneath all that negativity, they'll find the meaning of life and a woman's purpose. Perhaps they'll get distracted talking about so-and-so's proposal; it was hilarious, after all.

Inspired by Samuel Beckett's Waiting For Godot, absurdist philosophy and comedy, and feminist texts such as Betty Friedan's The Feminine Mystique, Turning 25 aims to capture the tumultuous terror of being a modern woman. It's deep, it's sad, it's funny (hopefully), and it's very silly. Come see it.

Directed by: Georgie Hindle and Matthew Cavagnino
Written by: Georgie Hindle
Starring: Gillian Mosenthal and Eleni Vettos


Monday 24 February 2025 8:30pm
Tuesday 25 February 2025 8:30pm
Wednesday 26 February 2025 8:30pm
Thursday 27 February 2025 8:30pm
Friday 28 February 2025 8:30pm
Saturday 01 March 2025 8:30pm


Full $39
Concession $35
Member $31
Group (6+) $31
Early Bird $29
Broke Butterfly $15


Arrive Early

At least 30 minutes before the show. Our performances start bang on time and it takes a hot second to welcome you into the building.

Under 18s

The Butterfly Club is a licensed venue. Under 18s can only attend if accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.